Tree Removal Ellettsville, IN
Get a Free Estimate.
An ISA Certified Arborist from Bluestone Tree will visit the site, then email a proposal with recommended service options. You can choose which options you would like completed.
Tree removal is an important part of property maintenance. Trees that are diseased, damaged, or dead can pose a serious risk. Additionally, trees that are too close to power lines can create a safety hazard if not properly maintained.
Tree removal can also improve the aesthetic value of your property. Overgrown, unkempt trees can create an unappealing and even dangerous environment.

Free Estimate
Call us or use form above to set an appointment with an ISA certified arborist for a free tree removal estimate.
Site Visit
Our arborist will visit your property to evaluate the situation and develop the best solution.
We email you a detailed proposal from which you can choose the services you would like to accept.
After acceptance, the work will be scheduled and you will be notified of the date.
Work Begins
A highly trained team of arborists with specialized equipment will perform the work safely & efficiently.
Only after we thoroughly clean up do we email an invoice, with a choice of payment options.

Dead Cherry Tree Failed Due To Storm Damage, Difficult Tree Removal
This dead cherry tree was blown over during April storms. When it failed, it collapsed into the branches of a few other trees, in the direction of the property owner’s home in Ellettsville. This alone made for a challenging removal. In addition, the tree had developed co-dominant trunk sections part way up, and the work area was surrounded by healthy young trees not to be damaged. Multiple rigging control systems (GRCS) were used to stabilize sections of the dead tree, and to control the branches that were dangling over the home.
With the rigging devices in place, our arborists used chainsaws to cut the trunk into multiple sections – dropping a large section safely away from the home and healthy dogwoods, and then gently lowering down branches that were over the home using the GRCSs.